Applications for Sport Development Program in 2026 are now open. Current year 6 students are invited to complete this form.
An endorsement from each applicant's HPE Teacher is also required. Please take this form to them. Endorsement form.

The Sport Development Program
The Sport Development Program (SDP) aims to shape and develop students into intelligent performers and contributors to the sporting community through a holistic approach to learning about sport and physical activity. Moving beyond excellence on the sporting field, the SDP exposes students to a range of concepts such as nutrition, coaching, sports psychology, sports science, leadership, teamwork and training while embedding the development of movement strategies and movement concepts. The program provides students opportunities to engage in a range of different sports and physical activities rather than specific sport specialisation.

Expectations for the Sport Development Program
Students accepted into the Sports Development Program are expected to participate in all school sporting carnivals (swimming, cross country, athletics) and represent Kepnock State High School if selected to be a member of the school swimming, athletics or cross country team. Where possible, students will also represent the school in both the winter and summer sports on offer. Students are to maintain high standards for academic achievement, behaviour and effort across all subject areas. There are regular student review points across each year level where every SDP student's continued participation in the program is evaluated. If students are not meeting the expectations of the program they may be asked to relinquish their position to higher performing students in non-SDP classes.
Entry into the SDP program is selective. There is only one class (max. 28 students). Students wanting to apply for a place in the Sports Development Program need to complete an application process.
For further information on the SDP, please contact Mr Tom Murray – (HOD Health and Physical Education & Sport) 4131 1888 or