P&Cs Qld is the peak body supporting and representing more than 576,000* state school parents and wider school communities throughout Queensland. We support the achievement of quality educational outcomes for students through fostering parental and community engagement in a thriving and successful education system. Through our state-wide network of over 1200 P&C Associations and School Councils, we have the localised presence and voice to lead and enact change. *A conservative estimate based on one parent per student.
Our vision is to ensure "Every child has every chance" in education and in life.
Increased engagement with school parents and communities is a key part of P&Cs Qld's new focus with Parent Talk as a key resource for building parent and community engagement with their local school.
through to view our most recent editions of Parent Talk
- https://pandcsqld.com.au/members/publications/parent-talk/
The Kepnock Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) plays a vital role as a major voice and supporter of our school community. A small but dedicated group of parents and community members meets monthly to explore ways to contribute to the ongoing improvement of our school. The P&C manages the school Canteen which is its main source of funds. Most recently, the Kepnock P&C has contributed significant funds for the new gym and adjacent outdoor undercover space, new seating and sound and lighting refurbishment in the Hall, and the new canteen kitchen. The P&C is also the major sponsor of the school’s Annual Awards Nights.
P&C meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month starting at 5 pm in the Conference Room in A Block. New members are always welcome. Agenda items should be sent through to the Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.